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EMC/China in Shenzhen 




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Symposium Topics


TC-1 EMC Management, Standards and Regulations
EMC Specifications & Standards; EMC Control and Management; Laboratory Accreditation; EMC Personnel Certification; National and Regional EMC Legislation; Mutual Recognition Agreements; EMC Education ,EMC Quality Assurance.

TC-2 EMC Measurements and EM Environment
Test Instrumentation; Time-Domain Measurements; Test Procedures; Emission and Immunity Testing; Test Facilities (reverberation and anechoic chambers etc); new field testing; Confidence and Reproducibility; EM Environment.

TC-3 Lightning
Lightning Parameters and Models; Pulse Models; Coupling of Lightning EMF to Lines; Effects in the Atmosphere; Protection and Standards; Intentional EM Interference (IEMI).

TC-4 High Power Electromagnetics
NEMP, HPM, EMP; High Power Protection; Intentional EM Interference (IEMI); Power System EMC; High Voltage EMC.

TC-5 System-Level EMC and Protection
Electrically Large and Complex Systems including Transmission Lines; Shielding, Coupling and Grounding; EMC Product Design; EMC Topologies; System Installation Aspects; EMC Cost Factors; Neural Networks and EMC; Visualization for EMC; Virtual EMC-Environment; PCB EMC. 

TC-6 Transportation EMC, Automotive/Railway/Ship EMC
Automotive, Railway and Ship EMC;Electric Vehicle EMC, Automotive Components, Car Controllers; Radar Detection System EMC; Automotive System EMC; High Speed Rail EMC; High Speed Rail Communication EMC; Metropolitan Transit System EMC .

TC-7 Aerospace EMC
Space Electromagnetic Environment; Space Vehicles (Satelites, space crafts, space sensors, launch vehicles etc) EMC Issues; Avionics EMI; aircraft cabin  wireless communication EMC; aircraft lightning protection.

TC-8 Smart Power Grid and Low Frequency EMC
Smart power system EMC; Power Quality; Harmonics; Wireless Power Transmission; Power Delivery EMC; Power Electronics EMI.

TC-9 IC and Semiconductor EMC
ESD for Chips; Measurement of IC EMC; Modeling of IC EMC; EMC in System-on-Chip; EDA tools for IC EMC; RFIC EMC; RFID EMC; microwave-millimeterwave IC;  Smart Power IC EMC; opto-electronic interconnect;  Harsh EM Environment Effects on ICs. 

TC-10 Signal Integrity and Power Integrity 
Simulation Techniques; Measurement Techniques; Interconnects; Package Integration; PCB; System-in-Package; Chip-package and PCB Co-design and Simulation.

TC-11 Computational Electromagnetics & Multiphysics Modeling
Novel Numerical Techniques in EMC Problems; Multiphysics modeling; Fast Methods for Large/Complex Systems; Hybrid Methods; Validation and Benchmarking; Model Order Reduction Techniques; Advances in EM-based Electronic Design Automation Tools; Statistical Analysis.

TC-12 Bio-Medical Electromagnetics and Wearable Devices EMC
Bio-electromagnetics; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Bionic Electromagntics;  Electromagnetic hyperthermia and ablation therapy; Microwave imaging techniques; Electrical impedance tomography; Terahertz imaging; Dosimetry, SAR and Higher Frequency Interactions; EM Interaction with Biological Systems at any Frequency; Exposure Studies; Medical Applications in Diagnosis and Therapy; Cellular Phone Dosimetry.

TC-13  Wireless Communication EMC
Cellular Devices & Systems; Internet Systems; Sub-station EMC; UWB, Wireless LAN EMC, Wireless Regulations.

TC-14 Nanotechnology and New Materials
Nanotube Interconnects; Nanomaterials for EMC;  Metamaterials; PBG/EBG for EMI; Nanoelectronic EMC; new material for EMC.

TC-15 Antenna and Propagation

EMC in Emerging Technologies

SC-1 3D and TSV based System Integration
TSV Induced Crosstalk; Coupling; TSV Inducted EMI; Multi-physics Modeling; TSV Interaction with Active Semiconductor Devices; Inter-layer and Inter-block RF Interference; Heterogeneous Integration EMC Issues.

SC-2 Wireless Power Transfer EMC
Wireless power transfer mechanism; EMC for system design; emission/interference and EMC safety; Standards and regulations.

SC-3 Internet of Energy andRenewable Energy EMC
Internet of energy EMC;  Solar Cell System EMC;  Wind Energy System EMC.

SC-4 4.5G/5G Communication System EMC
5G communication system EMC; 5G high speed data transmission EMC; MIMO antenna system EMC; 5G mm-wave integrated circuit EMC; EMI analysis, EMC for planning/testing/specification, wireless coexistence, Hetnet, Intra-system interference 
SC-5 Information Security EM

Un-intended EM; information system EM leakage. 
Topical Symposiums  

TS-1: Smart Grid and Power Eletronics EMC


TS-3: Wireless Power Transfer Technologies
TS-4: Biomedical Electromagnetics





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